Top 10 Website Design Mistakes that WILL Annoy Your Users.

I just had a nightmare trying to find a good list of bad mistakes to link to. So here’s a quick one. Do tweet one to me on @completedespair if you have a better one!*

These are some of the bad things that website commissioners and designers do.

As a user of your website, the most annoying things are…

1 – Things popping up without me requesting them!

Anything that pops up and takes over my attention is ANNOYING; Ads, sign-ups, anything. STOP IT.

2 – Splash Screens.

Making me wait! Arrghhh. It is so rude. Do not drag me through your narrative! I have something I want to do!

3 – Unusual Navigation.

Who thought that it was a good idea? Please show me how to find the important parts of your website!

7 – Text too small.

It might look nice, but I cannot read it.

(A common mistake harking from print design roots, which leads us to…)

4 – Pages are Fixed Width.

I have to pinch and zoom on mobile devices,… I can’t operate the navigation,… fingers too fat!

(This is not an evil mistake, just one that should be avoided. Build responsive & adaptive websites.)

5 – Moving Things.

Do not make ANYTHING fly around the screen. Please do not.

6 – Autoplay Media.

Music and videos should wait for me to request them.

BIG VIDEO playing behind everything. Another fad.

8 – Layout is complicated / “original”.

Can you please show me your content, simply?

9 – Clipart images that mean nothing.

Like the one above. What does that mean?

10 – Not sure about the 10th. I will add this soon.

Maybe it could be “Your annoying content makes me forget why I am here?”

* I am always looking for one to link to…